
How Do We Nurture Nature?

Old Quad

NAIDOC week (July 3 – 10) is an opportunity for us to recognise and celebrate the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It’s also a great time to think about how we can show respect to Country. Barkandji woman and Emu Sky curator Zena Cumpston has some practical advice when it comes to nurturing nature.

Biodiversity makes life on earth possible— for us, the birds and the bacteria in the soil. A healthy biodiversity is integral for producing clean air and growing food, but it’s also important for our physical and mental health.  So how can we take better care of Country when it takes care of us? Here are Zena’s top five tips:

  1. Notice nature every day. Once you notice it, you’re more likely to nurture it. 
  2. Give a gift that heals rather than harms—a native plant. Ask a nursery for native plants that are indigenous to your local area. These plants save you time, money and resources (as they require minimal pesticides, maintenance and water).  
  3. Provide nesting boxes and water bowls for birds.  
  4. Plant native grasses and shrubs for the little guys in your yard.  
  5. Google ‘Gardens for Wildlife’ in your local council area for more tips and tricks!