
Exhibition installation views

Buxton Contemporary
Installation view, The shape of things to come, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 9 March – 21 June 2018, with Ricky Swallow, Field recording/Highland Park hydra, 2003; Daniel Boyd, Untitled, 2014; Untitled (TI1), 2014, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, No one is watching you: Ronnie van Hout, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 12 July – 21 October 2018, with Ronnie van Hout, Hold that thought, Salazopyrin, 2008; BED/SIT, 2008, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, No one is watching you: Ronnie van Hout, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 12 July – 21 October 2018, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, The Garden of Forking Paths: Mira Gojak & Takehito Koganezawa, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 7 November 2018 – 17 February 2019, with Mira Gojak, Silence, 2005 (foreground); Floating eclipse, 2013-14 (background), photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, The Garden of Forking Paths: Mira Gojak & Takehito Koganezawa, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 7 November 2018 – 17 February 2019, with Takehito Koganezawa, Paint it black, and erase, 2010 (detail), photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, A New Order, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 8 March – 7 July 2019, with Daniel von Sturmer, The truth effect, 2003, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, Bauhaus Now!, with Lantern Parade Display 2019, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 26 July – 20 October 2019, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, Between Appearances: the art of Louise Weaver, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 15 November 2019 – 9 February 2020, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, Between Appearances: the art of Louise Weaver, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 15 November 2019 – 9 February 2020, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, Between appearances: the art of Louise Weaver, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 15 November 2019 – 9 February 2020, with Louise Weaver, Taking a Chance on Love, 2003, The University of Melbourne Art Collection, Michael Buxton Collection, Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Michael and Janet Buxton 2018, photography Christian Capurro
Installation view, The Otolith Group: Xenogenesis, Buxton Contemporary, the University of Melbourne, 2020, with O Horizon, 2018 (still) Courtesy of the Otolith Group and LUX, London, ©️ the artists, photography Christian Capurro